Notification details

Amendment notification 2021/512380Y
Name of association Sinimusta Liike ry
Business ID 3160601-3
Registration number 952.009
Record number of notification 2021/512380Y
Date of arrival of notification 17.01.2021
Type of notification Amendment notification
Processing stages Registered 08.03.2021 12:58:24
Being processed 08.03.2021 12:58:23
Being processed 05.03.2021 10:01:19
Being corrected by the submitter 05.03.2021 07:58:08
Being processed 22.02.2021 11:34:50
Being corrected by the submitter 19.02.2021 13:12:09
Being processed 19.02.2021 06:12:21
Waiting to be processed 11.02.2021 09:54:02
Being processed 18.01.2021 22:12:43
Waiting to be processed 18.01.2021 22:12:41